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ENG 2105 E-Portfolio: Aldo Espino

Welcome Future Rhetors of ENG 2105 

Greetings, I am Aldo Espino, and this is a portfolio of my work for ENG 2105, browse through the menu to see the works produced throughout the semester

Welcome Future Rhetors:
Winning the Battle through Argumentative Structure, Lexicon Complexity, and Evidence Alignment

(Unity/Topic Sentence) At ease, Aldo Espino a student who has crossed the Alps of writing mastery to become a Rhetorical Expert, welcomes all who embark upon the path of ascension to hone their skills on the battlefield of argument using Evidence Alignment, Lexicon Complexity, and Argumentative Structure. (Adequate Development/Body) Despite the challenges ahead for one choosing to develop their own Rhetoric, Aldo Espino will demonstrate the essential strategy in argument by using Evidence Alignment. While the essential strategies are key, one's plans always need some polish and complexity, with Lexicon Complexity being a key component to strategizing one's attack in the arena of debate. The final necessity to elevating one's debating tactics is the organization on their charge, done through Argumentative structure. (Coherence/Conclusion) Although the realm of strategy is never complete, by learning and mastering Evidence Alignment, Lexicon Complexity, and Argumentative Structure, any aspiring rhetor can swiftly begin to employ these techniques to synthesize their own battle plans.

(Unity/Topic Sentence) By far the most essential tactical element in linguistic combat is that of Argumentative Structure. (Adequate Development/Body) Organizing one's argument is pivotal when engaged in a debate, and much like organizing troops in a battle, doing it wrong can create a choppy line and a flimsy battle plan that can be handily vanquished. The right structure won't make an argument infallible, but it can create a robust line that can be easily defended while still being on the offensive, allowing one to attack whilst they defend. Furthermore, if done right, it can enable all the components to truly act as part of a larger unit, and mount a larger, overall argument. (Coherence/Conclusion) Overall, the ability to utilize Argumentative Structure effectively is key to ensuring victory, and can be a decisive element of one's battle.

(Unity/Topic Sentence) While structure is imperative to argument, one can only win so many battles with one tactic, and to elevate their own prowess, they must ascend the complexity of their strategy, achieved most directly by Lexicological Complexity. (Adequate Development/Body) Despite the daunting aspect to elevating one's own vocabulary, a plethora of methods are openly available to aid one's endeavor into linguistic mastery. Employing a personal Dictionary or Thesaurus is incredibly simple and fruitful, while electronic sources can be far quicker and more specific, by far a better method when one is mid-battle. When one master the usage of Lexicological Complexity, their arguments immediately become more notorious, and oftentimes, an inexperienced opponent can become intimidated by obscure language as it can confuse or impress them, skewing the battle in their favor. (Coherence/Conclusion) In summation, by utilizing more eclectic and eccentric language, a psychological advantage can be used to argue more effectively, and can be used to leave one in a more advantageous position.

(Unity/Topic Sentence) Yet even if one's movements are planned, lines drawn, and cannons are aimed, if the wrong troops are employed, the battle can take a pyrrhic turn, and in this respect, perhaps the most vital tactic is Evidence Alignment. (Adequate Development/Body) The importance of aligned evidence is impossible to overstate, as even the most reliable lines and formations can crumble if used incorrectly, and in this respect, all error leads back to misused evidence. Although alignment is the most important aspect to argument, it is also the easiest to employ, as all it requires is one to pinpoint its intentions and argument. By doing this ever-important step, an aspiring rhetor can ensure that all their evidence is fighting the same battle, and using the proper motivations in its purpose. (Coherence/Conclusion) All in all, the ability to ascertain the purpose and intentions behind the evidence chosen can prevent most critical errors when debating, and creates a truly ironclad argument.

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